

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

The General Standing Down? Wonkette is reporting that General Wesley Clark may be dropping out of the Democratic Primaries in the very near future. Clark has apparently cancelled a fundraiser in Houston, and his schedule has been cleared. Wonkette, in her characteristically caustic tone wonders if, when announcing his withdrawl, Clark's "sophisticated emotion-simulation programming may fail him. Do androids cry electric tears?" The General, of course, is known for his poise and steely military stare -- Salon did a story not long ago about Clark's infrequent need for blinking. One wonders if the departure from the stage of Wes Sr will diminish her current near-obession with Wes Jr.

Wonkette also mentions the results of the pop culture trivia test VH1 gave to the candidates. Clark scored a 4 out of 12 on the pop-quiz (Mrs Clark remarked of the former Rhodes Scholar and number one in his class at West Point, "Well, I think it's the only test he's ever failed in his life.") Glad to see that the General and I share in our admiration of the verisimilitude of the masterful HBO miniseries Band of Brothers.


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