Secular Centrist.
According to the Harvard Institute of Politics IOP Political Personality Test, I am a Secular Centrist. Secular centrists are apparently:
Strongly supportive of gay rights.
Believe strongly in the separation of church and state.
Less supportive of affirmative action than most college students.
Less likely to be concerned about the environment than most college students.
Less likely to believe in basic health insurance as a right than most college students.
Except for the last one, that is a pretty good description of my beliefs. Maybe it is a result of growing up in a welfare state, but I believe in state-provided health care, although I also believe in the state encouraging people to acquire private health insurance if they can afford it.
The press release describes Secular Centrists as being 29% of the college student population and the most independent (although least likely to vote). They split their support between Bush and Kerry. Traditional liberals are the biggest group (32%), and I would fall into that category except for their position on the "Bush Doctrine" of preemption (they are against it; I am supportive of it). But of course a questionaire that only asks eleven questions can only be a very general indicator.
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