

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Clinton chooses world's most boring title for autobiography.
Bill Clinton's memoir, rather obviously titled "My Life", will be released in late June, according to a NYTimes report. Clinton's autiobiography has the potential to be one of the more exciting political books to come out about the nineties. Sidney Blumenthal's The Clinton Wars was a dramatic page-turner, and hopefully Clinton will be as indiscrete and reveal the secrets of what happens behind closed doors in the White House. The Lewinsky Affair and the other assorted sexual scandals that dogged Clinton's campaign and administration are, for me, the least interesting aspect. I am looking forward more to Clinton's side of the story of his election campaigns, the Republican Revolution that blocked his health care bill and almost cost him the election in '96. I am interested in his dealings with Blair and with Europe; with NATO and General Wesley Clark re the Yugoslavia; what he did about terrorist threats, esp. in the wake of the first WTC bombing and the Cole incident; and his deliberations about Iraq. Notice a pattern there? Yes, I admit, it is foreign policy that interests me most, with political intrigue a close second. Domestic policy is a distant third. Whatever focus Clinton takes, it is sure to be a fascinating glimpse into his mind and how it works. But really, "My Life"? Surely there was something catchier than this that ended up in his wastebasket.


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