

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Death during Masonic ritual. Reuters reports the story of a man who was accidentally killed during his intiation to the Freemasons:
47-year-old William James was accidentally killed when Albert Eid, 76, confused a loaded .38-caliber semiautomatic pistol with another gun during the induction ceremony in Patchogue, on New York's Long Island, on Monday night. "During the ceremony, an inductee was shot and killed when a lodge member used a real gun instead of a blank pistol," Suffolk County Detective Lt. Jack Fitzpatrick said in a statement. Police officer Heidi Cummings said Eid pointed a gun at James' head while another member beat a garbage can like a drum as part of the rite in the basement of the suburban Southside Masonic Lodge.

While not a member myself, I have some familiarity with the Masons, and as far as I know, there is not usually a gun (or a beaten garbage can, for that matter) in the intiation ritual. A sword or dagger is pointed at the bared breat of the inductee and he is made to repeat an oath. I don't know why this Lodge would be using a gun with blanks, let alone having a loaded gun nearby to confuse it with.


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