ashthomas//blog: Everything I know about U.S. politics, I learned from Doonesbury


Thursday, July 15, 2004

Everything I know about U.S. politics, I learned from Doonesbury

Interview with Garry Trudeau, of Doonesbury, in Rolling Stone. He talks about the response his readers have had to the character B.D., who was until recently serving in Iraq, losing his leg in combat. It is surprising to me that Trudeau says that "As a writer, I don't have an emotional link to the characters" since his characters are some of the most well-developed in fiction. Trudeau also talks about knowing George W. Bush when they were both at Yale, and notes that "I do believe he has the soul of a rush chairman. He has that ability to connect with people. Not in the empathetic way that Clinton was so good at, but in the way of making people feel comfortable." Very appropriate metaphor -- Bush as Keg-master-in-Chief.


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